Tuesday 4 December 2012

Planning Music Video

These are my planning documents..

Scene Plan
0:00- Josh, Harry and Cameron knock on door, Nick welcomes them they go into living room.

0:18- They are discussing their math’s homework when they decide to play      RockBand, they load it up and start playing.

0:26- Camera pans round Nicks head and shot changes to band performance on stage. The crowd dance, the band playing instruments and crowd singing along.

1:17- Cut to a changed location to Josh walking through school looking for somewhere to eat lunch, he finds a bench with a cool group eating their lunch on it. The cool kids are wearing shades and bandanas. He asks can he sit down, they say no and threaten him, Josh gets angry after being picked on and finds the inner strength to beat the cool kids up. He then steals their shades and bandana.

1:67- Cut to next character and location, the next section is were Harry is walking down an alley and he is approached by a drunken tramp who is dressed in a penguin suit which he has found on the streets, the tramp asks him for change and then gets aggressive, harry then uncomfortably fights back then his inner strength takes over and he shoves the tramp back off his feet and knocks him out then takes his penguin suit.

2:17- The next scene is with Cameron, he is walking through school with his pok-e-mon cards when a fellow nerd see’s he has the rarest card, he asks him to trade it, the nerd has nothing to give him so trades Cameron his guitair.

2:67- The next scene is were Nick is walking through his house after the boys have left and he walks past his sisters room, he see’s his sisters have left her straighteners on and un attended, he is curious to see what the straighteners are so trys them out on his hair.

3:17- It then cuts back to the performance on stage, we know see why the band are wearing certain items, nick has straightened stylish hair, josh has the bandana and shades on, Cameron has the guitar he traded for, and Harry is wearing a penguin suit. They have also transformed from their nerd clothes to cool stylish indie rock band members. Their incidents where in the previous story has transformed them into rock stars.

Props list-

Sun glasses
Instruments (including amps and leads)
Rock Band set (RB drums, mic, guitar and bass)
Pok-e-mon cards
Alcoholic bottle

Location List-
Nick’s House (Front door area.)
Josh's House (Living room and bedroom.)
The school hall (The stage and lighting.)
The school site (The benches in school & the music block.)
The alley down Wessex Way.

This is the production schedule I made. 

This is a general release form which I got one of the members of my client band Mahogany Drum to sign on behalf of all the band for legal reasons. It gives me permission to use them as actors and release their material (their song) online as a part of my media project. 

These are my story boards, I have only put the first twelve sheets on my blog. This is because I do could not put any more large images on my blog. The first twelve sheets just over one third of the amount I made and only covers the first three scenes.

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