Wednesday 16 January 2013

How my planning & filming are going...

Friday 16th November

I have started to plan how my music video will start to take shape, I am coming up with many problems which I am finding ways to solve. Planning is a very complex thing which takes time, I am currently doing my storyboards. I am doing it in three steps, firstly thinking about what is in the shot and righting a rough description. By doing this I am getting a rough outline of the video. Secondly I am working out all the timings of every shot and filling in every detail like settings, props, costume etc. Finally I am looking over all the shots with the music to see if it fits and handing my story boards to my teacher to see if he thinks I need any more shots or need to change anything in the story boards. I think by doing it in these three stages I am being much more efficient and by going over my story boards lots I wont find I have any problems come shooting.

I have already come up with a few problems in my story boards like my teacher thinks I should add a few more shots and when I was thinking about my location I got the T.V in the wrong corner of the room. I have chosen to put all these problems on a notes page which I will refer to when recording and I will attatch it with my storyboards.

Monday 26th November

I am currently doing my Production Schedule, this time of month is very busy for me with the school production and I have little time to spare. I am trying to work out when I should shoot, I have choosen two suitable days for me. My next step is to check with the band if they can shoot this day, check can I use my location these days. Ask the media technician for lighting suggestions, get training and book out all the equiptment I need for each day.

Wednesday 28th November

So far I have had no problems booking out my locations and the equiptment, it looks like both these days will go ahead as planned. I have booked out the theatre for Friday 14th December. I have been to the music department and got permission for the use of the istruments. I have booked out the cameras and sound recording equipment.

Monday 3rd December

I am currently re-considering having an audience in my music video. I think it would look much better to have an audience but because I am limited to school I am struggling to get the number of people I want to make it look good. Also students get very bored easily and will be complaining and there will be a lot of stopping and starting. I am concerned if I used a real audience, would they act like a real audience? Or would it looked too contrived. I have also heard of past students music video in which only a few people turned up and it looked rubbish. All these reasons is why I am going to be using actors as an audience.

Monday 17th December

Friday 14th December was the day of my shooting. I dont think it was very productive or effecient. Everything when setting up went to plan, We transported the instruments from the music department and set them up in the hall rather quickly. I microphoned all the instruments and vocals and I set up the stage lighting plan. However trying to get the right levels for each microphone too a while, eventually we couldnt manage to get it to sound any good. I asked the technician for help and neither of us could understand why it sounded rubbish so we postponed the sound recording.

 When it came to the shot recordings I started as planned using the canon 600 deep, however somone left the battery out and it wasnt charged. After charging it for fifteen minites I tried using the camera but I couldnt get the settings right and it looked really dark and low quality, this is mainly due to I have no training and have not practised with this camera before. So I switched to the HD camera so I could atleast finish doing something productive. My conclusion of Friday, I think it went horribly. I came away with no sound recording and very little shot wise, what I did have I thought was very average. After looking at another students work I have decided to schedule another shot recording using the Canon 600 because the quality of shot was much better. This time I wont have to set up the sound equipment which should save some time, I am not going to use the shots I got last time because you will notice the difference in quality. The only positive I can take from Fridays recording is the experience.

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