Thursday 28 March 2013

The Production Of My Subsidairy Texts

Below are a collection of images I took as potential front covers for my Digi-pak.

 I am pleased with the shots I have, these are just a few I have chosen to show. I have various of similar shots but a change in angle or focus. I will now use these images to develop into album covers.

Below are six potential album covers I have made.

I wasn't sure which of these were the best so I decided to get some feedback. I asked some simple questions like which do you like the most? Which do you dislike the most? What would you improve on each one? I got some really good comments on sizing of text, some didnt like the degree of angle the mahogany drum was written in album two, some really liked the boldness of mahogany drum in the last two albums. Every one I spoke to did not like the text Ice, they said it was too cartooned and un realistic, it didn't fit with the picture. Every body liked the text of Mahogany drum in the last two album covers.
The overall favourites were the very last album cover with the pic in the melting ice cube, and the third album cover. They all thought this was the best because they liked the images the most.
When I asked if I was to take the last album covers on what should I change about it, They said the text of Ice isnt very good and I should do it more like how Mahogany Drum is written. I should also consider making either the colors of Mahogany drum and something else around the ice cube to make it more interesting maybe like a border. I will take into consideration the feedback I have got and will go on to develop the last album cover.

Below are the next album covers designs I made.

With these I changed the font of the text Ice to the same as the Mahogany Drum text. I also added colour to the text to make it more interesting, attractive and eye catching. To make the overall cover more interesting I used the rubber effect in a special way to create a sort of rubbed out, splash border effect. I think it looks like it has been frozen over which works with the ice cube.
I then asked for some more feedback on the latest version of my album covers. Everyone I asked like the fourth cover the most. They said the image is the best because you cant really see the ice much in the first two. It also is the easiest to read the white version over the black background version. They also said the black version looks too gothic and punk then indie rock. One point made was the white looks more like the image has been frozen over then the black background does. The only criticisms I found with the fourth album cover was they still had trouble easily reading the title and artist name due to the background.

This was the last version I did, I changed the colour of the text to an even lighter red to make it more visible and easy to read. I also changed the background directly behind the text to a white to make it easy for you to read the text. My client and target audience were very happy with this cover and I haven't found any more criticisms.

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