Monday 6 May 2013

Conventions- Evaluation

In what way does your product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The first convention I used was extended narrative. I decided to use extended narrative from one of my researched videos by Kasabian called Fire. I think my extended narrative is very good, I liked Kasabians because it made the music video interesting, it gave more narrative to the story. I feel mine has done the same, it not only sets the scene but introduces the story and song into each other. When they start playing the game RockBand the song starts, I thought this was a clever way to merge the narrative and when the song starts especially as the song lyrics and no relevance to the narrative.

My music video features the band members as the characters in the narrative. This was done by the Paradise music video and Fire music video. I felt it was important to feature the artist in the music video because they are not a well known band and need to gain popularity and become recognized. 

I decided to develop the convention stop frame animation in my music video. The music video Shuffle I researched has no narrative and only used stop frame animation to show the lyrics on screen in interesting ways. I was really inspired by this convention and I decided to develop it further by in fact reducing the amount of stop frame animation used, Instead of making a whole video out of stop frame animation I made only my titles out of stop frame animation. This was a risk to put both camera footage and animation into the same video because of how they would transition together. I felt it worked really well, It makes the titles look very interesting and realistic, I think it looks much better then if I had used your general which transition on and off screen. The titles were something my audience liked very much too.

Another convention I decided to use was the use of a costume for comical use, like in Colplay's video with the elephant costume and in Kasabians video with the cowboy western theme to the costume. I dressed my characters in nerdy outfits with nerd props like glasses, calculators, books, bowties and braces. I feel this emphasized my characters nerd stereotypes and had a big comical effect on the audience.

In Colplay's music video paradise a section of their video is live performance footage. I felt this showed the seriousness of the band as well as having their comical entertaining video. This is why I used the convention of contrived performance in my music video. I was un able to get a live performance because I couldn't find a big enough audience for it to look effective. So I settled with a contrived performance, I think it looks really good especially the shots and editing I have used give it variety and entertainment just like a real performance.  I feel by using this convention the audience feel that the band are a good band who can perform live and write their own music. I think it also advertises their music and tour, by having a contrived performance which looks good and lively people want to go to their tour.

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